Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i am taking UCR Bookstore and the frat that takes bags outside to small claims court for stealing my iPod. No joke. I'm tired of this, UCR. I am not letting things slide this time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Myspace Assignment?

Today I had an assignment due for my creative writing class, and it was pretty much the oddest (yes really enjoyable) assignment I've ever had. She asked that we each write 50 things that are true about ourselves, then post online for everyone in our discussion to read. At the end of the 50 items, we are to write something that happened in our lives that could be true, or could be a lie (choose one). So, for today's post, instead of just writing all the things that are problematic and bugging the shit out of me in my life, I've decided to just post all the shit I wrote for this assignment. Who knows, it may actually be kind of interesting?

1. Feist (singer/songwriter) is amazing and possibly my favorite musician

2. I make websites just for fun, but if you'd like to buy one, it can be arranged ;)

3. I was a graphics designer/adventure guide layout designer for Outdoor Excursions for two years

4. I'm a DJ -- house/electro

5. I'm a waitress at a Mexican restaurant and I love Mexican food and Mexicans

6. This summer I went on a trip to Argentina, Urugauy, and Brazil and it was absolutely amazing

7. Seeing Iguacu Falls (the widest waterfall in the world) changed my beliefs on the world/God

8. Watching the sunset/listening to music on the desolate Honey Island in Brazil made me, surprisingly, fall in love with Jack Johnson

9. I'm deeply interested in Philosophy and the whole, "why are we here?" question/theories

10. I'm a political science major who is very interested in politics but hates them at the same time and needed to add a major (philosophy) in order to not be surrounded by poly sci major lunatics my whole college career.

11. A stray cat who used to come around my apartment complex had kittens in the backyard and I took one of them/raised it and now she's sleeping at my feet while I finish this assignment

12. My cat's name is Maybee because every time I asked for name suggestions and people gave me awful/stupid names, I often replied with, "Maybe"

13. Maybe is also the name of my favorite character on Arrested Development, which is my favorite show

14. Lately I've been wondering if Curb Your Enthusiasm is my favorite show instead

15. I say I want to be a lawyer, but what I really want is to be a musician

16. I am a musician. I play trombone, clarinet, and guitar-- but what I meant was a famous musician ;)

17. I smoke cigarettes constantly and I hate it/love it at the same time

18. I believe horoscopes are bullshit, but lately have read into it and coincidentally, a Libra's ideal career would be either a lawyer, fashion designer, interior decorator, or artist-- I want all of these things

19. I love interior design and I'm obsessed with making my room look like an HGTV episode of ColorSplash

20. I love Project Runway-- Holler at cha boy!

21. I wish I wasn't so entertained by certain Television shows so I could talk more about all the books I've read, which leads me to say, I wish i read more books

22. Over the summer, I traveled with a group of Australian guys who were lovely, but if I hear an Australian accent again, I may punch someone

23. I've had three iPods, my digital camera, two cell phones, and my car stolen from me

24. My car was stolen on Watkins, and one cell phone was stolen FROM Radio Shack! (Yes, on Chicago)

25. Many people misjudge me right away because I have a very expressive face-- oftentimes people think I'm a bitch

26. I don't want to be seen as a bitch because I don't think I am

27. I am willing to befriend anyone and immediately, and I also try to find the good in everybody. Unfortunately, this usually leads to being taken advantage of or mistreated

28. Because of my poor friend experiences in the past, I've become a more closed-off person. I'm constantly struggling to find that balance. Where is that perfect space between being too trusting and too skeptical?

29. People always tell me I'm really gullible, but it doesn't make sense because, did you know that that word was actually removed from the dictionary?

30. I have three siblings, all over the age of 30

31. My oldest sister, Kathy, just turned 40, is a professor of dentistry at USC, and I know this sounds terrible to say, but she's my favorite sibling

32. Are we allowed to have favorite family members? I sometimes wonder random things

33. In fact, I recently started keeping this small journal so I could write down all the random crap I think about-- doesn't mean my questions are going to be answered

34. I used to have a "thing" for foreigners, but after dating a few, have realized that all I need is an American boy (that's a good song, you know)

35. I used to drive a Jeep Wrangler and, to this day, I believe it's the greatest car in the world, but It broke down and my parents sold it while I was away in Brazil without my knowing (thank you mom and dad)

36. I now drive a bright gold '91 Honda... woo!.... :(

37. Clubs seriously make me feel weird and I get really afraid to dance in front of people, but the truth is I actually think I'm a good dancer and I love it

38. I hope I never have kids before the age of 29

39. When/If I do have kids, I would be totally ok with them having pets

40. I pledged for a sorority my freshman year and I am so glad I didn't go through with it-- what a load of expensive bullshit

41. I think this assignment is awesome because it gives everyone a chance to brag about themselves as a requirement!

42. In High School, I was an editor of my newspaper, and enjoy making fun of how terrible the Highlander is, however, I also am planning to join the Highlander this year to make it better! ;) (Sorry if i offended any highlander paper people, I really don't know how hard you guys work)

43. When I have free time at school, I really like to go to the Rivera Library and find a computer. Then I open previous documents/essays that people who I don't know wrote and saved on the desktop. I then send the document to a couple friends or just read it to myself and make fun of how bad some of the writing is. Even though I love doing this, and get a "kick" out of it every time, I still (sort of) feel bad because it could happen to me! But this doesn't stop me.

44. This is probably common with you too, but I usually feel like I have something really cool/insightful to say aloud during class, but hesitate or prevent myself from saying it because I'm afraid of what other students will think.

45. My goal this year is to overcome this fear, because I also have an extreme paranoia of what other people (who I don't know) think of me

46. High school was a miserable time for me, and I am so thankful to be in college-- I love college

47. Like our TA, I too have a bracelet I've been wearing for a while. Not quite as long (mine's been there for two years only) but still quite a while, and cool/made out of hemp-- unfortunately, I can see it might break soon *tear*

48. I've lived in the mountains for the past 6 years, where it snows, and have never been snowboarding (but can't wait to try)

49. Top Ramen is amazing because I'm extremely broke/poor and wish I had parents that payed for my tuitions, but at the same time, I appreciate that they can't because it's (hopefully) teaching me to be more independent

50. I actually do consider myself to be i.n.d.e.p.e.n.d.e.n.t. do you know what that means, man?

In high school, I was in varsity cheerleading, and for our last rally, my coach would not let me participate in the dance. Her reasoning was that I had missed too many baskeball games (which I had legitimate excuses for--uh, I lived in the fucking mountains where fires occured, give me break). So, being somewhat o.k. with the whole thing, I let it go, however, as I was watching the rally, I noticed a girl who wasn't even a cheerleader dancing in the rally! I was outraged (this was against my coach's own bylaws) so I approached her about the situation. Instead of talking it over with me, she literally put her hand in my face (as if to say, "talk to the hand") and walked away. Later that day, a group of psychotic cheerleaders came up to be and cursed at me in front of everyone! A few more days went by, and my only friends who were in cheerleading (all two of them) stopped being my friends! One of them is currently a sorority girl now here at UCR and it's incredibly awkward when I see her on campus. I also had found out that my coach had been showing other girls confidential information and test scores of her english students and about me! Because of all these reasons (and more) I wrote a letter to the superintendant and all board members about her actions and they immediately had her removed from coaching. This was one of the main events in my life that made me realize I really wanted to be a lawyer. Revenge is a dish best served cold. No, actually, I don't like to refer to it as revenge, let's just say, justice. (By the way, please don't be scared of me because of this, this was a long and drawn-out situation that became very complicated over a very long period of time, I doubt a situation like this would ever occur again) Besides, this whole story may not even be true, right?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't "Argh...YOU!" with me!

A very important thing that Ms. Shinnerl, my 11th grade AP Lang. Comp. teacher taught me-- or at least it was important to me-- was to choose the title of your paper after you complete it. So this time, that's what i'm going to do. Another great teacher taught me that opinions are not the same as arguments, and in his class, there was no "blogging" allowed. This, surprisingly, offended me for some reason. Maybe it's because I decided to start a blog recently and here he went and made a my idea sound foolish by creating a joke out of it. But I've realized something. I don't really care. I think that blogs CAN be more than opinion-- which is an opinion in itself-- because not only do they share one's feelings/thoughts, they also provide cause for an argument or some sort of ignition of one. This instructor who told me this, by the way, is an instructor I met for the first time today. My Buddhism professor. I went into this class simply for a religious studies requirement, had a friend (Tina) who is deeply interested in the subject, and thought it may be interesting. What took me by surprise was the way in which this professor layed the class out, along with his goals/objectives. Also, the fascination I felt toward the subject surprised me, which was very unexpected. I already know he's going to be a great professor/i can feel it. Well, Mr.Idontrememberyourname, here's an argument for you and for anyone who cares. I've come to a point in my life where I feel like I no longer want or need to befriend people because I enjoy their character and company. I always have felt like I was the one pursuing a friendship because I liked that person for whatever reason. This, in experimentation, has failed for my end of the relationship(s) because I've always been the one left out to dry (or bathe) in the misery that is rejection. So, my amigos, I support that ignoring those around you and responding sincerely and truthfully to a person when approached, will ensure an ultimately genuine friendship. Those who I attract myself to, I will soon ignore and let the friendship become what it will over time, through their desire to befriend me. I'm trying something new, and I know it will work. I'm done with trying, I've tried enough... too hard in fact, and too many failed friendships in one lifetime ain't good for me. I believe this is the best approach to gaining/maintaining true friends. Agree? or Disagree? I'm off to pour myself a few shots and fall asleep in a drunken stupor. You know, I really don't care much for rum. It'll do, but... how did pirates do it?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

silver linings and golden seas

why is it taking me two days to download the office/how i met your mother/curb your enthusiasm? don't you people realize how much i need this right now? i'm living at home with the padres for god sake. i really don't have much to write about.. i'll probably end up taking short hiatusesesss and write in little spurts here and there. especially with school starting and all. i barely picked my classes yesterday because i had been dropped from all the ones i'd chosen before. sigh. but my new classes are even better :D i'm excited about a couple of them.. i'll be taking ethics and meaning of life, buddhism, constitutional law, and a creative writing. sounds like i may possibly be gettin' creative and writer-y this quarter. if i apply myself. which i probably wont. ok think positively. yes i will. apply myself. what does applying oneself even mean? to make yourself available constantly? idunno just seems like a strange use of words to me.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Taking notes

I have plenty to write about. I just never remember what it was I was thinking about writing. As of today, I've started a "journal" type deal where I can handwrite things I need to remind myself about / but also random insignificant things I may want to blab/blog about later. Keep checking back for these random elissa-throughout-the-day-thoughts coming soon!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One step forward, two steps back

This random, but possibly blog-worthy thought crossed my mind last night. Have you ever found yourself contemplating life/existence and held a good grasp on some so-called philosophical idea that may be bringing yourself one step closer to the answer for the ultimate question of existence, and you know you have this idea down and ready to release/inform the world of, and just as you're telling it it the most logical way possible, the idea simply stops and you've totally forgotten what the fuck you were just thinking about? I'm wondering if this is God or whomever's way of preventing us from getting too close to that answer. This happened to me last night and as I'm continuing my idea of whatever the hell I was thinking about, knowing that it was some sort of metaphysical apifany, my two girlfriends listening intensely... my mind drew a blank. I had to just stop talking mid-sentence, making myself out to be mentally challenged. So this is basically what led me to come up with this new ridiculous theory of mine that when your mind draws a blank like such, it is something that we're not supposed to share. Or could it simply be a brain fart? What is a brain fart anyway? Maybe someday in the 2030's I'll write a book about brain farts, and why is it called brain "farting" anyway? It's not as if your brain is emitting gas or anything? I really don't know what I'm talking about. Anyways, I was going to input an entry on SUV driving yesterday, then I had the idea of waiting for an actual experience on the road with an SUV driver before I could start my complaints. This morning, driving back to the forest, I coincidentally (remind me to talk about coincidences later) was cut off by a driver in an SUV. I then realized that about 4 SUVs were surrounding me, pushing the hell out of me, cutting me off, and consistently driving at around the same speeds and me, however, not in my favor. It dawned on me that I had, for the past ten minutes, been right in the middle of an SUV gang. Let me just say that SUVs, as Mr. Griffin puts it, really grind my gears. First of all, what the fuck are you doing in your oversized momcycle? Not to mention the thing guzzles gas like crazy, it is simply a road-blocker. Whenever I'm driving behind one, I can't see for shit, and I have to, once again, risk my precious life by quickly changing lanes in order to avoid being stuck behind one. And what the fuck is with the drivers themselves? Why does every SUV-driver consist of some sort of blonde-haired OC bitch who thinks she owns the road because she has biiiiig caaaar? In my recent travels to South America, the equivalence of an SUV would be about the size of a Toyota RAV4. There are, fortunately, no annoying mothers speeding down the freeways, cutting people off in order to make it to their baby 's soccer game on time. You know what? I hate SUVs so much that next time I see one, I'm taking down the lisence plate #, calling 911, and reporting them a drunk driver.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Presets are playing the night before at the glasshouse... oct3... my bday :) but I think it'd be smarter to save the date for oct.4 LA Weekly Detour Festival. Plus the Mars Volta plus bitter:sweet, plus paparazzi, plus... yeah i think this sounds good. I went to the 2006 LA detour fest and it was A-MAZING! With Basement Jaxx, Beck, Queens of the Stoneage, Of Montreal, yyyyeah.... i'll get to some meaningful stuff later. :\

Thursday, September 18, 2008


why does everyone get fin aid but me!?

mp3 adele - cold shoulder (basement jaxx remix)

It's About Time...

So I've realized (finally) that it might be necessary for me to create a blog. I've always contemplated the idea of starting one, but never got around to it... thinking that no one could possibly be bored enough to actually read this stuff. I mean, I don't usually take the time to read other people's blogs and I'm almost positive it isn't as much of a "craze" as people think/act like it is (there was even that commercial for "grabbing a snickers bar" about blogging). Anyways, I'm basically just not creative/clever enough of a writer to keep something like this going, but for now it's pretty much a necessity because I've got a lot of complaining to do. Not only that, but I've also got a lot of stuff to share: music, movies, pictures, comics, stories, news, whatever thoughts cross my mind, etc, and I'd like to hear your (whoever you are) input as well. So, keep the comments flowing, sit back, enjoy my rants, and don't ever think that whatever you have to say could possibly affect my decision to delete this blog. Thank you and have a nice day! :)

the limit to your love

"The Limit To Your Love"

Clouds part
Just to give us a little sun

There's a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
Like a map with no ocean
There's a limit to your love

There's a limit to you care
So carelessly there
Is it truth or dare
There's a limit to your care

I love I love I love
This dream of going upstream
I love I love I love
The trouble that you give me
I know I know I know
That only I can save me
I'll go I'll go I'll go
Right down the road

There's a limit to your love
Like a waterfall in slow motion
Like a map with no ocean
There's a limit to your love
Your love your love your love

I can't read your smile
It should be written on your face
I'm piecing it together
There's something out of place

I love I love I love
This dream of going upstream
I love I love I love
All the trouble that you give me
I know I know I know
That only I can save me
I'll go I'll go I'll go
Out on the road

Because there is no limit
There's no limit
No limit no limit no limit
Limit to my love
