Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's About Time...

So I've realized (finally) that it might be necessary for me to create a blog. I've always contemplated the idea of starting one, but never got around to it... thinking that no one could possibly be bored enough to actually read this stuff. I mean, I don't usually take the time to read other people's blogs and I'm almost positive it isn't as much of a "craze" as people think/act like it is (there was even that commercial for "grabbing a snickers bar" about blogging). Anyways, I'm basically just not creative/clever enough of a writer to keep something like this going, but for now it's pretty much a necessity because I've got a lot of complaining to do. Not only that, but I've also got a lot of stuff to share: music, movies, pictures, comics, stories, news, whatever thoughts cross my mind, etc, and I'd like to hear your (whoever you are) input as well. So, keep the comments flowing, sit back, enjoy my rants, and don't ever think that whatever you have to say could possibly affect my decision to delete this blog. Thank you and have a nice day! :)

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