Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't "Argh...YOU!" with me!

A very important thing that Ms. Shinnerl, my 11th grade AP Lang. Comp. teacher taught me-- or at least it was important to me-- was to choose the title of your paper after you complete it. So this time, that's what i'm going to do. Another great teacher taught me that opinions are not the same as arguments, and in his class, there was no "blogging" allowed. This, surprisingly, offended me for some reason. Maybe it's because I decided to start a blog recently and here he went and made a my idea sound foolish by creating a joke out of it. But I've realized something. I don't really care. I think that blogs CAN be more than opinion-- which is an opinion in itself-- because not only do they share one's feelings/thoughts, they also provide cause for an argument or some sort of ignition of one. This instructor who told me this, by the way, is an instructor I met for the first time today. My Buddhism professor. I went into this class simply for a religious studies requirement, had a friend (Tina) who is deeply interested in the subject, and thought it may be interesting. What took me by surprise was the way in which this professor layed the class out, along with his goals/objectives. Also, the fascination I felt toward the subject surprised me, which was very unexpected. I already know he's going to be a great professor/i can feel it. Well, Mr.Idontrememberyourname, here's an argument for you and for anyone who cares. I've come to a point in my life where I feel like I no longer want or need to befriend people because I enjoy their character and company. I always have felt like I was the one pursuing a friendship because I liked that person for whatever reason. This, in experimentation, has failed for my end of the relationship(s) because I've always been the one left out to dry (or bathe) in the misery that is rejection. So, my amigos, I support that ignoring those around you and responding sincerely and truthfully to a person when approached, will ensure an ultimately genuine friendship. Those who I attract myself to, I will soon ignore and let the friendship become what it will over time, through their desire to befriend me. I'm trying something new, and I know it will work. I'm done with trying, I've tried enough... too hard in fact, and too many failed friendships in one lifetime ain't good for me. I believe this is the best approach to gaining/maintaining true friends. Agree? or Disagree? I'm off to pour myself a few shots and fall asleep in a drunken stupor. You know, I really don't care much for rum. It'll do, but... how did pirates do it?

1 comment:

ajthesecond said...

more importantly, how did the ninjas do it?

Also, you should marry me and stuff.